Strategic Partnership: MINE Network and Skyrim Finance

MINE Network
2 min readSep 13, 2021

MINE Network and Skyrim Finance have entered into a strategic partnership to drive the development and growth of Decentralized Autonomous Open-source Platforms with Multi-chain functionalities.

The partnership will entail joint strategic marketing efforts, including expansive cross-platform collaborations.

With MINE Network’s superior technology and advanced open-source infrastructure, they set forth to bring the next frontier of machine-less mining to the forefront of the cryptocurrency world. Furthermore, their innovative approach of implementing a more cost-efficient mining model will lower the learning curve and start-up cost of aspiring entry-level miners while increasing the usability and proficiency of certain mining pools.

Skyrim Finance, the Robo-advisor for the DeFi world, strives to aid potential investors in acquiring risk-adjusted returns via fixed rates and leveraged-yield DeFi products. Their sophisticated implementation of Multi-Structure Financial products with robust cross-chain capabilities will cleverly merge the diverse range of investor profiles into one consolidated protocol that will meet the standards of both risk-averse and tolerant investors.

Together, MINE Network and Skyrim Finance will solidify the power of utilizing DeFi within Multi-chain based platforms. MINE Network will integrate its token within Skyrim’s robust ecosystem allowing end-users access to Skyrim’s leveraged-yield DeFi products. In conclusion, both MINE Network and Skyrim Finance will focus on cross-chain collaborative efforts to improve scalability and strengthen the foundation of both the Decentralized Multi-chain open-source platforms.

Johnny Lee, Director of Ops and Marketing of Skyrim Finance, stated:

“The timing of MINE Network is perfect. The crypto space is facing some sort of existential crisis. Mild as it is, it is still a hurdle to overcome. We love how MINE Network is taking a fresh approach to this issue, and we are happy to partner up with them.”

Andreas Aschenbrenner, Project Lead of MINE Network, stated:

“We are very excited about this connection. Skyrim is ahead of its time and transfers one of the most popular financial tools of the FIAT world into the DeFi area — the Robo-Advisor. Integrating our standardized hash rate tokens into Skyrim gives users a simple use case to invest directly in mining power without owning mining machines.”

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